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staff nurse



• State diploma in nursing obtained in 2016 at (UPSAT ) Private University of Sciences, Arts and Techniques of Sousse,Tunisia

• 2013 -2016: (UPSAT)

• Scientific Baccalaureate obtained in 2013 at High School Othmen Chatti M'saken


• From 27/04/2019 to 28/04/2019 : Participation in the 6th National Scientific Training Day

• From 20/02/2017 to 22/05/2017: Training in hemodialysis at The Universal Hospital Sahloul in Sousse

• November 12th 2016: Participation in a training session " Patient in critical situation: Which drugs? What dilutions? »

• 6th and 7th May 2016: Participation in the 6th C.A.R.O.S (Congress of Anesthesia and Resuscitation in Obstetrics of Sousse)

• 6th and 7th May 2016: Training and participation in relaxation workshops

• From 26th to the 28th May 2016: Participation in the 13th Tunisian-European Days of Practical Cardiology

• "Preparation to Painless Childbirth " Training course

• Participation in sessions of initiation and learning of haptonomy and relaxing massage.

• 2013: First aid training


• From 01/06/2017 to 21/03/2020 : Extra-Renal Purification Clinic of the Sahel "CLEERS"

• From 20/02/2017 to 22/05/2017 : Hemodialysis Departement at the Universal Hospital Sahloul

• From 08/11/2016 to 16/01/2017 : International Dialysis Clinic Sousse "D.I.A.L"

• Internships during 3 years of my training ( Hemodialysis, General Surgery, Emergency Departement, Orthepedics...)


• Arabic: Native Language.

• English: Average level of reading, writing and speaking.

• French: Good level of reading, writing and speaking.

• Spanish: Good level of reading, writing and speaking.


• Sport: Gymnastics, Swimming, Basketball, Running

• Culture: Cinema

• Reading: Novels, newspapers

• Music, Social Networks

• A Red Crescent member of Sousse

• Member of the Tunisian Association of Nurses in Sousse (ATIS)

• Member of AEPM (Association of Para-Medical S

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