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staff nurse


2011: Certificate of Professional Technician – Private educational
Level of studies: Technical and vocational Education
2009 : Grade 4 secondary (grade 7 secondary former)
Level of studies: Secondary Education
01.08.2011 - 31.08.2011
Hospital region al Test our
 Nursing assis tant : medicine depar tment
- Bedding
- change of dirty laundry
- change of position to avoid bedsores
- monitoring (blood pressure, fever, urine bag, etc.)
- change the diaper for the elderly, disabled or operated
- daily toilet
Work experience:
 28.06.2018 - 15.04.2020 : Clinic El Farabi
 Head of the endoscopydepar tment
- Gas trological doctor help and preparation of the procedure
- Sterilization of endoscopic materials
- Make appointments in the clinical system
- Moni tor patients after the act (fibro, colo ...)
- Hygiene care of the disease
- Preparation of room acts
- Calm the patient and be careful to be clean after the act
- Change of linens and dirty mattresses
-Team work (Anesthetis ts, intensive care doctor, nurses,
 19.09.2016 - 03.09.2018 : Clinic les Narcisses
 Caregiver/endoscopy agent - Clinic les Narcisses
- Medical gas trologist assis tance and preparation of the
- Procedure in a service composed of two procedure rooms,
- A sterilization room and a large recovery room:
- Sterilization of endoscopic materials
- Make appointments in the clinical system
- Moni tor patients after the act (fibro, colo ...)
- Hygiene care of the disease
- Preparation of the acts room
- Calm the patient and be careful to be clean after the act
- Change of linens and dirty mattresses
- Teamwork (Anesthesiologis ts, intensive care doctor,
nurses, etc.)
 02.06.2015 - 31.01.2016
 Caregiver - Work at home
- Changing bandages
- Give the treatments
- Toilet, dressing and food
- Change of position to avoid the risk of bedsores
- change the diaper for the elderly, disabled or operated
 19.08.2013 - 22.04.2015 : Clinic El FARABI
 Endoscopy agent
- Sterilization of endoscopic materials.
- prepare the equipment and help the gas trointestinal
doctor to take biopsies.
- Moni toring in the recovery room
- Bed repair
- calm the patient and be careful to be clean after the act
- hygiene care
 01.12.2012 - 01.09.2013 : Clinic El FARABI
 Caregiver - Clinic El FARABI
- Daily toilet, Meal assis tance
- Repairing the bed
- Cleaning of medical equipment
- Welcome and support patients and their families
- Daily transport of patients for medical activi ties wi th a
- work as a team and divide the rooms
- patient hygiene care
- Star t-up in the Endoscopy depar tment: use the
maintenance techniques for endoscopic equipment
 01.01.2012 - 31.07.2012 : CLINIC L'Espoir
 Caregiver
- Cleaning and preparation of patient rooms
- Care of sick in coma in collaboration wi th the medical
team (nurses, resusci tation technician, doctors)
- Daily toilet
- Planning and preparation of meals
- monitor the patient's condition (fever, blood pressure,
rodon drain, jar, urine bag, etc.)
- Hygiene care and change of dressings
- Carry the patient's medical file
Personal skills and
- Skills in assis ting wi th personal hygiene, mobility, eating
- Team spiri t
- Computer skills and endoscopic equipment of the brand
- Mas ter the logiciel medical system CliniSys
Certificates :
Acc redi tation:
 28.09.2018 :
Endoscopy agent
CLINIC Les Narcisses. Tunis
 22.04.2015 :
Endoscopy agent

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